When packaging, please ensure you select an appropriately sized sturdy box for your device/s.
Secure the device against movement, fill any voids of space with protective packaging such as bubble wrap/foam chips/newspaper or other soft materials such as clothes etc.
Securely tape & seal your package then attach the full label on the outside of the box.
Drop off at any post office within 14 days.
Remove and keep any sim cards, DVDs/CDs, Memory cards (any received are non-returnable)
When boxing the item make sure there is no movement as this increases the chance of damage in transit. We recommend bubble wrap or foam chips for the highest level of protection in transit for your devices.
Using a box over a padded envelope, padded envelopes offer little protection in transit for high value items and against crushing when items are stacked throughout their delivery journey.
If you are sending multiple devices in one package, please ensure they are individually wrapped (preferably in bubble wrap) to minimise any risk to damage in transit.